A cure for overwhelm

Sometimes everything around and inside piled up in the wrong way. This feeling comes to our daily lives as a sense of wanting to take a break so desperately that we’d abandon everything, wanting to postpone everything until we finish the task at hand to get a sense of control, or even as eating disorders and self -harm or other extreme and harmful ways of coping.

Use a symbolic item for grounding

It may seem trivial, but this is a very useful technique. Something charged with personal meaning can keep you grounded in your identity and values and clear up the smoke when you feel your thoughts are running wild.
It may not seem like a necklace can solve your problems, but use that item and only focus on it when you feel like you are straying away and you will find it much easier to control where your thoughts are heading and the very act of holding something in your hands and touching it is enough to help some people snap out of a spiral.

Sometimes we lose focus, and one of the best ways to remind ourselves of our meaning is having something representative. Wearing an amulet is an ancient tradition that can help with modern-day issues as well, and science backs this up.

Have A Plan, And Stick To It.

There are two aspects of having a plan. One is aiming to do what it says, and the other, just as important, is streamlining your process and not doing anything more. Some things are too interconnected to let go of, but others are just excess.

Knowing how to plan and what to plan for is more than half the battle.

Once you start each day with a clear intention and realise some things are just not worth doing, you become much more aware and get a sense of purpose when you do the things you know matter.

Give Yourself Downtime.

Trust the science on this one. Downtime is just as important for your productivity as anything else. You could either work for 12 hours in a depleted and unfocused state and sleep 4 hours or do the same job in 8 hours and sleep well tonight, once you realize that you should work smarter, not more. You deserve better than enslavement to your own limitations. You can do whatever you want whenever you want once you are able to gain control of your mind, and you need a rested, fresh mind to work with.

Be aware of your progress

Nothing puts our present struggles into perspective just like looking back at what we did and forward at what we want to do.

Write a journal or log what you did. Soon, you will notice you actually achieved quite a lot. Sometimes just by looking back on your life, you can realize that you are actually moving forward. At least I did.

If not, it can help you identify what is overcrowding your schedule. It is very useful to know what you are doing and actually track your daily routine, not only to find where are you headed but also to realize your strengths and weaknesses and improve.

Understand what you do, thus, can help you understand what you want to do. Shifting your schedule to fit your needs is actually a very important process. It will give you a feeling of control and accomplishment when you realize that your lifestyle is improving along with your habits and that ultimately leads to a sense of meaning and purpose.

Do you have any examples of how rest can help, or do you have a personal symbol you treasure?

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