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Nice to meet you!

I hope everyone to finds and follows their passion. Here’s mythology-inspired art, my journey towards meaning, opinions, interesting and helpful facts I learned along the way. I hope you find it inspiring.

slice of wonder

at a glance


We all could use a little brilliance and curiosity in our lives. But it’s difficult to keep up with the pressures of modern living.

I want to share my experience, looking for a meaningful and interesting lifestyle, and encourage everyone to follow their passion.


Spirituality appeared in order to make sense of everything, and consists of tried and true techniques of peacefulness, resilience and wellbeing. As our way of understanding life changed, it has become associated with pseudoscientific or harmful, even dangerous beliefs, but it can be one of the greatest tools for gaining control and better health, body, mind and soul, as long as we have a reasonable, evidence-oriented approach.


By looking forward, combining the advantages and building from ideas from multiple solutions. Inspiration, accessible and easy to understand resources, can be a good starting point for anyone on the journey to mindful, intentional living, or just a better understanding of different ideas and how they came to be. We can move past differences way easier when we understand them. In all areas of life, we want something that works.

Hi! I’m Remiel.

a little history

I live in Bucharest, Romania and since getting my first tarot deck in 2014, I’ve practised different forms of divination and alchemy. I’ve always been drawn to the feeling of wonder, curiosity and hope when the world seems wide and bright. As I grew up, my art evolved to reflect that feeling of enchantment. My current, and most extensive project, The Envoy  portrays the world from the perspective of an angel and his lover, as they strive to improve and understand the mortal world without letting themselves fall from grace.

While not writing, painting or studying, I’m looking for interesting things to discover and share the tips & tricks that help bring magic to modern times, improve creativity and productivity, and generally spark a sense of wonder. I believe the goal of every spiritual path is to improve people’s lives, so it makes sense to make the resources as clear and easily accessible as possible. After facing many misunderstandings and the challenges of getting the materials needed to start a spiritual journey, I’m committed to sharing ideas and practical knowledge that worked for me, for both those who practice and those who just curious what real magic is and how it works.

Honest opinion

Modern life is difficult.

so is life in general.

We all wish to live joyfully, aware of our surroundings and in control of our actions. But everyone can do it.

This only perpetuates the cycle of inequality and misery, because people who can’t express what they want can’t achieve it, while stress and mental health issues can add challenges and damage their performance, continuing the cycle. People who don’t suffer as much have better chances of making a good impression, realising opportunities, and have to take less risks because they come from a place of safety, which all leads to more gains for them and widening the gap.

woman trekking in a canyon
alchemy carved wooden plate with box, rose petals, fruits and spices
meaning and confidence made easier

Realistic magic

My journey with mental health made me understand the importance of clear, accessible resources and encouragement needed to develop that sense of self-awareness, confidence and clarity. More than this, I believe that most extraordinary and enchanting experiences or lifestyles are not only possible in real life, but achievable by regular people of all ages, faiths, genders or ethnicities, even on a budget, since most of them take skill and planning but far less money than expected.

This project, art and lifestyle, explores and pays tribute to the things that make us question, evolve, wonder and prevail no matter the circumstances, and how closely intertwined our beliefs, choices and lives are.

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